Monday 2025-03-31




By Ackel Zwane | 2018-11-24

Businessmen are providing transport to ferry girls from the Kwaluseni Campus of the Eswatini University for purposes of pimping them to affluent tourists flooding a popular hangout spot in Matsapha.

These businessmen take advantage of  the girls’ financial situation on campus and select ‘top of the grade’ individuals for purposes of promoting their business into hosting upmarket guests. They also take advantage of the girl’s academic statuses to market them to guests who arrive solely for purposes of whetting their sexual appetites.

While this does not seek to condone the alleged rape of a student at the University of Eswatini by a prince, it has been revealed that delayed payments of allowances which themselves are meagre force girl students into availing themselves for sexual favours in exchange for food, drinks and other goodies.

Campus residents have revealed that on weekends, especially month-ends three kombis are commissioned from an entertainment home around Matsapha to ferry girls in the evening where they are introduced to very rich patrons mainly from South Africa.

While at the dancing home they allow the patrons access to every part of the body while heavy meals and drinks do the rounds.

At this entertainment home there are special rooms in which the girls are treated and paid fees for the services either in kind or cash.

The targets are said to be first year students who are not used to spending allowances sparingly to last the semester.

 “They become virtual call girls. There is hardly a way to complain if shortchanged, that is if the client refuses to pay. Naturally after all the entertainment, good food and drinks the men demand sex and the girls have little room to refuse because by then they would have made those men spend fortunes on them,” one concerned student stated.

It has also transpired that most of the girls however do not mind having a decent meal just this once given the long days of hardships on campus without any food.

Normally the tourists or guests would be ushered into the dance floor where they make their selections and invite the victims into the rooms readily available on the premises.

By making the girls available to their guests the business outlet has also attracted upmarket clients who also bring large business on the property.

Other sources on campus however advance the theory that some of the girls are not necessarily from a poor background economically, but just love high life and mixing with the best of high society for both financial gain and status.


Most of them do it to boost their wardrobe and outshine colleagues. They also do it for prospects of finding employment where these giant ‘daddy cools’ hold high positions.

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