By THEMBEKA DLAMINI | 2018-10-28
As with all former prime ministers, the incoming PM can trace his roots back over several millennia through the royal family.
His family members include notables such as Eswatini Broadcasting Corporation Service’s Ndabenhle, Umbutfo Eswatini Defence Force’s Layini as well as Hhohho Regional Secretary Sibusiso Nalalenkhulu Dlamini. He is a prince from Nhlanhleni at Mbekelweni. Nhlanhleni is where his grandfather, Prince Magongo, also known as Makhombane, settled. He is a direct descendent of King Mbandzeni and Queen Labotsibeni who was known as Mgwame. Queen Labotsibeni had four sons, Prince Tongotongo, King Bhunu, Prince Malunge and Prince Lovazi. Princes Malunge is father to Prince Magongo who fathered Prince Mphatfwa (not to be confused with appointed Senator Chief Mphatfwa from Ludlawini).
All possible PM candidates vetted several times
For the last few weeks and possibly months, candidates for the highest office in government have been vetted several times.
Not only are possible PM candidates vetted, those appointed by His Majesty King Mswati III are scrutinised by several entities before they are announced.
Prior to Sibaya on Wednesday, this publication tried to ascertain all the people who had been vetted by the Electoral and Boundaries Commission to no avail.
The only thing that public relations officer Mbonisi Bhembe confirmed was that all appointees were checked to see if they had registered to vote as per the prescribes of constitution.
According to police sources, the Intelligence Branch was also instrumental in ensuring that the appointed candidate was not troubled
Who were other PMs
All past prime ministers the country has had since attaining independence are of royal descent.
The very first PM the country had was Prince Makhosini a descendent of King Ndvungunye. He led the country from in 1967 to 1972.
He was succeeded by Prince Maphevu who shared the same lineage. He led government from 1978 and died while in office in 1979. His immediate successor was Ben Sibandze who held the position on an acting basis for a month until the appointment of Prince Mabandla who was descendent of King Mswati II. He led government from 1979 to 1983.
Thereafter, Prince Bhekimphi, a descendent of King Ndvungunye, was appointed from 1983 to 1986. He was succeeded by Sotja Dlamini, a descendent of King Sobhuza I also known as Somhlolo. Sotja led government from 1986 to 1989.
From 1989 to 1993, Obed Dlamini, a descendent of King Sobhuza I was PM.
He was succeeded by Prince Mbilini a descendent of King Mbandzeni who was PM for three years until 1996.
Thereafter, Sibusiso Dlamini, a descendent of Somcuba was PM until 2003 and returned from 2008 till last month. In between from 2003 to 2008 Absalom Themba Dlamini a descendent of King Sobhuza I was PM.
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