Sunday 2024-04-28




By Thamsanqa KrTC Sibandze | 2023-12-15

As a man, a son, a brother and a member of this society, the rising levels of gender-based violence (GBV) in Eswatini demand our immediate attention and unwavering commitment.

We can no longer stand by as our sisters, mothers and daughters face the brutal realities of violence – it is time for us to RISE!

The One Billion Rising Eswatini movement is gearing up for the 2024 ‘Rising’ to unite Emaswati against the scourge of GBV. We, as men, are called upon to join this movement, to be part of the solution, and to imagine a world free from the shackles of violence, inequality and injustice.

In recent times, the world has been marred by turmoil and Eswatini is no exception. Our country grapples with socio-economic and political challenges, with an alarming rise in violence against women.

Femicide, the brutal killing of women, has reached unprecedented levels, often perpetrated by spouses or partners. The escalating figures are not just statistics; they represent human beings whose security has been violated, often without access to support and justice. We cannot afford to turn a blind eye any longer.

Rising festivals, organised by the One Billion Rising Campaign, provide spaces for compassion, healing and envisioning a world without violence.

As men, we must ask ourselves: What world do we want to create? How can we contribute to a society free from oppression and abuse?

We must rise to the principles of ending violence towards women, understanding patriarchy, and promoting care, community, trust and interconnectedness.

When men stand up and speak out against social issues, the impact resonates throughout society like a powerful ripple effect.

History has shown that real change occurs when men, as allies and advocates, take a stand against injustice.

In South Africa, during the anti-apartheid movement, men joined forces with women, amplifying the collective voice that led to transformative change. As we look back, it becomes evident that when men actively engage in dismantling oppressive systems, societies experience profound shifts toward equality and justice.

Men, by nature, are the shield and protectors of the community. When we rise against gender-based violence, we fortify the very fabric of our society. Our actions set an example for younger generations, showcasing that true masculinity is not about dominance but about protecting the vulnerable. In many cultures, men have traditionally been entrusted with the responsibility of ensuring the safety and well-being of their communities. It is time for us to reclaim this role in the context of combating GBV.

Our masculinity is a force for good, a force that should protect the vulnerability of our community.  As we rise to end gender-based violence, let us remember that our strength lies not in perpetuating silence but in breaking it, not in perpetrating violence but in condemning it.

It is our collective responsibility to forge a path toward a safer, more equitable future. In the fight against GBV, let our actions speak louder than words, and may our commitment be a beacon of hope for a society free from violence and oppression.

RISE! Be the New World - End Violence Against ALL Women!
One Billion Rising Eswatini is looking forward to the 2024 ‘Rising’ of Emaswati in unity against the scourge of gender-based violence (GBV) in the country, particularly violence against women; and the inequality in our society that perpetuates poverty, abuse and marginalisation.

We invite everyone who longs for a better world to join us as we connect through art, to imagine a more just world ourselves and the generations to come.

Why Rise?
The world is in turmoil. Wars, poverty, oppression, destruction and sustained violent eradications of freedom continue, and are aggravated in the contexts of gender, race, environmental issues, youth, indigenous and workers’ rights.

Eswatini has not been spared as the country continues to grapple with multiple socio-economic and political challenges. Among the most urgent is the escalation in levels of violence against women. This year we have seen an increase in femicide – the killing of women – on an unprecedented scale, murdered in the most brutal and horrific ways, in most instances, by their spouses or partners. 

The rising figures of GBV are not just numbers – they are human beings whose security and bodily integrity have been egregiously violated, and in too many cases, without access to support and justice, and with impunity of perpetrators. The impact of GBV permeates all levels of society, and we cannot afford to continue like this!

Rising to Imagine a New World, A New Eswatini, Without Violence
Rising Festivals ask the questions: If we saw ourselves as artists, what would we imagine and design? What world would we see? What new language and expressions for freedom would we find?

How do we create and envision deeper, bigger and bolder?
The festivals are artistic and experiential spaces of where compassion and healing thrive, where healing and honouring take place, they provide spaces for circles of listening and storytelling and are powerful havens of love and seeing. 

They express rage and resistance, whilst also catalyzing the renewal of body and spirit in the experience of art and beauty, touch and kindness.

Since 2013 One Billion Rising Campaign has been holding “Rising” celebrations all over world. For the past 10 years, based on an annual theme, activists across the globe have localised the call to RISE

FOR FREEDOM with self-determined and specific regional, national and community- based issues. This has seen millions across the globe express their pain, anger and agency, in various ways.  They have unapologetically condemned social injustice, and violence against women and they have been resolute in calling for and being part of the solution.

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