Saturday 2024-07-27




By Nonduduzo Kunene | 2020-01-31

NATIONAL Commissioner of Police William Dlamini has issued a stern warning to individuals that use social media to insult the country’s authorities.

Dlamini said it had come to the Royal Eswatini Police Service’s (REPS) attention that there were highly insolent and morality devoid character disseminating seditious, slanderous and very insultive statements about the country’s authorities via social media.

“The intent and motive of these statements is seemingly to vilify and pour scorn on the country’s authorities, which we find completely unacceptable and an insult to the entire nation,” he said.

Dlamini has warned those behind these statements that the law would deal with them harshly.

He stated that the police service was hot on their trail and they will see to it that the perpetrators of the cybercrime ultimately face the wrath and might of the law.

“We also caution members of the public who receive the seditious voice recordings to refrain from their further dissemination and perpetuation, but instead, report to the police,” he warned.

In order to curb the crime, Dlamini said the service has launched an intensive and high level investigation. The investigation will uncover those behind these vitriolic and damaging statements so that they are brought to book.

He further appealed to the nation for support and assistance as the police service works to unmask these characters.


“It is obvious that they are hell-bent on sowing seeds of discord and anarchy in the nation,” he said.


The commissioner called upon Emaswati to join forces against the practise and not allow it to continue unabated as a Nation. He said the nation should also be mindful of the reverence they accord to the country’s authorities who are a symbol of national unity.


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