Friday 2024-11-22




By Majaha Nkonyane | 2018-08-13

IN helping the country take strides towards a first world status the government of India has pumped in a total of E240 million towards the building of a state of the art Royal Science and Technology Park (RSTP) at Phocweni.

This was voiced out by RSTP chairman of the board Professor Musa Dube who was speaking at the official opening of the RSTP building (Songcondvongcondvo wemaswati house) last Friday.

 Dube said funding for the project was secured through the good collaboration between the government of Eswatini and the government of the Republic of India. Angelique International Limited (AIL) of India was successfully awarded a contract of US$20 million (E240 million) to construct the building.

According to Dube not only did the government of India fund the project   they went a step further in assisting the staff on the know how of the facility.  Dube said RSTP staff was taken to India to be exposed on how to manage and operate such a facility. Furthermore, Angelique International Limited provided hand holding of the staff of the Royal Science and Technology Park for a period of twelve months, that is, up to December 2017.

Dube also said they have a responsibility to advance research in the country through RSTP, according to Dube RSTP was established as a parastatal and the mandate is to advance research of science and related fields for the economic growth in the Kingdom of Eswatini.

“To do so your Majesty, we have been tasked with the development of an infrastructure which sits on a land area of 317ha for the purpose of enabling Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) in Eswatini,” he said. Furthermore Dube said as a parastatal they have had challenges in terms of inadequate resources, but they have seen His Majesty’s Government making an extra effort to support the mandate of RSTP.

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