Friday 2024-10-18





CHIEFS and bantfwabenkhosi from the Hhohho region are sick and tired of being ill-treated during national events.

They voiced their concerns yesterday during a workshop between princes and chiefs with the ministry of tinkhundla administration and Development held at the Pigg’s Peak Hotel.

Prince Ndlaludzaka from Hhelehhele informed Minister Sikhumbuzo Dlamini that as chiefs and princes they were always victimised by event organisers or protocol officers during national events. 

He asked the minister to intervene as this had been ongoing for sometime now.
He added that as chiefs and princes they sometimes don’t have seats reserved for them in events and they had to look for seats anywhere.  

“As traditional leaders we are supposed to be with the king in every event and what is happening to us during these events is very painful,” he said.

The chief added that special treatment and respect were only accorded to other dignitaries and Members of Parliament.

Sharing the same sentiments was Indvuna Mangomeni.
He said the way chiefs were being treated during national events was not right. 

He said at times they would forget invitation cards or the tags that had been issued for big events, adding that such would be a headache for them as they would listen to the ushers and never listened.

This is not the first time Hhohho chiefs raised a similar concern as last year Prince Kekela once informed Minister of Home Affairs Princess Lindiwe of the same thing.

He said chiefs were not recognised during national events. He said in most cases princes and chiefs were left unattended and had to sit among members of the public while members of the security services were the ones seated close or around His Majesty King Mswati III.

‘’We believe chiefs should escort the king during national events, but what we saw at the Buganu Festival was the direct opposite.

Security services even have a tendency of reserving some seats for their friends and they would only stand up for their superiors, not us,’’ he said.

In response, Minister Dlamini said they had decided that there should be cards to be made specifically for chiefs to be produce at any event.

He said in the event a chief had forgotten his card, the regional secretary would step in as they know all the chiefs and princes in their regions.  

He said it should be the norm that when making invitations for such events chiefs and princes should be prioritised. 

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