Sunday 2024-06-23




By Siyabonga Nsibande | 2024-06-17

THE founder of Sitfombo Atelier Sitfombo Dlamini has recently launched her new house of fashion to local models and stores.


Dlamini has been in the fashion industry as a designer for a few years, and is best known for her unique designs, and daring outfits.


Dlamini possesses the abilities to sketch and design, sew and tailor, construct garments and style her creative pieces.


 Her work has been seen on Dala Spaces, Eswatini Creativity Platform and the MTN Bushfire and EU Schools Festival.


She does admit that her latest venture, Sitfombo Atelier, has not been officially running for that long.


“We haven’t been operating long but I pride myself in taking my time and growing in the industry. So far, I’ve done small scale projects for the brand and with close friends and family.


“But the biggest so far has been collaborating with Dala Spaces for their ‘Fashion and Cocktails’ fashion show leading to the MTN Bushfire 2024.


“Another proud moment for me was being invited to showcase our brand during the MTN Bushfire and EU’s schools festival,” Dlamini stated.


“I take every moment as it comes, and most of the experiences have been great and have exceeded my expectations. So far my favourite moment has been the Dala Spaces fashion show experience. It was a huge moment for me as a fashion designer and the debut of Sitfombo Atelier,” she added.


Dlamini said she was inspired to start her own fashion brand to narrate stories on women in connection to art and passion for creativity and culture. 


“I was inspired to tell stories that connect with the women that love and understand art.


As a child I enjoyed going kagogo to listen to tinganekwane about where we come from as a people. So the inspiration that birthed the brand was the desire to tell these stories about self-discovery and our culture and I thought using garments to tell them would be an interesting artistic medium,” Dlamini said.


She clarified that she was always searching for resources to utilise.


Before tackling other aspects of her material assembly process, she said conceptualising her creations entailed sketch work in order to identify the materials required for each idea.


“Every project looks a little different from the other but the process starts with the idea, a lot of research then sketches and store runs then I create the patterns, cut and sew. We’ve got a decent supply of fabric stores in the kingdom but it’s unfortunate that most of the stores cater to big events (like black tie themes) rather than the day to day (casual) fabrics.


“So I experience difficult moments to achieve a ready-to-wear brand. But Atelier gets what it needs locally and I’m fortunate to have access to South African stores,” she explained.


Dlamini finally shared her opinion on how the youth could also introduce themselves to the local fashion scene if they want to take on the craft as a profession.

“I’d tell young people to have military focus regarding any of their desires.

“You have to be consistent, have a good support group of love and  a goal that you only know. Also, ask for advice and speak to many people. Lastly, share your work with the world,” Dlamini said.

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