Wednesday 2024-06-26




By JONGILE XUBA | 2024-05-24

SOCCER - ESWATINI Referees Association (ERA) has reassured stakeholders that officiating is in safe hands as they continue to train and develop new referees in the hope to find the next batch of FIFA-accredited officials.

This was revealed by ERA Secretary General Mbongeni Shongwe during the last official matches of retiring referees Leticia Viana and assistant referee Sifiso Nxumalo.

The pair blew their whistle for the last time this past Sunday during the match between Madlenya and Nsingizini Hotspurs at Mayaluka Stadium.

Viana will continue to be active on the international stage as the FIFA badge will expire at the end of year, while Nxumalo will no longer take up the flag both on the local and international stage.
The pair boast plenty of experience having been called up to officiate at continental and FIFA tournaments, respectively, over the years.

Asked if there were concerns that the country would have a shortage of qualified officials, Shongwe replied to the contrary. He said the ERA had been running programmes for the young officials, especially at the lower leagues, where all referees start before being promoted up the ranks.

“We have been actively searching for and training new referees as an association even before the retirement of the two. “The association has not been resting as we look to produce world class officials. We have been hosting courses left, right and centre and I can safely say that we will get the next Leticia from these courses,” he said.

He went on to encourage the upcoming referees to take the opportunities given to them during the training sessions if they want to emulate the accomplishments of Viana and Nxumalo.

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