Wednesday 2024-06-26




By KHETSIWE KHUMALO | 2024-05-27

WITH the Standard Bank Choral Music Competition exactly 48 hours away, conductors have expressed their readiness for the event to held at Esibayeni Lodge on Sunday.

Last year In the standard section, Sweet Sounds were crowned champions, closely followed by Florence Catholic Church choir  and Varsity Melodies which scooped the third place.

According to Eswatini National Choral Music Association Public Relations Officer (PRO) Mlungisi Dlamini, Varsity Melodies would not be joining this year’s competition because currently universities are closed.

He confirmed that choirs competing would be; Tingcungculu, Asihlabelele, Pure Voices, Florence Catholic, Emmanuel Methodist and Sweet Sounds the Standard.

Dlamini added that the standard category required a maximum of 48 members for each choir. The entertainment desk spoke to some of the conductors of the standard category regarding their readiness and challenges faced as they prepare.

Sweet Sounds conductor Mathokoza Sibiya said he would be bringing 45 choristers.
 He stated that although they were ready, one could never be really prepared with these competitions as new circumstances always emerge.

“Anyone could fall sick at any time and some have work commitments that arise. Otherwise we have done the best we could under the circumstances to prepare for the competition,” Sibiya said. He explained that the choir had undergone major restructuring, which has seen some good choristers leaving to join other choirs.

He stated that the formation of the new Emmanuel Methodist Choir in Siteki also saw other good choristers being redeployed to the new outfit.

“So, the fact that I am from retirement and I am now grooming young and inexperienced choristers makes the competition stiff for us. Despite all that choristers are excited about the competition, especially the freshers,” he said

Sibiya stated that one of the challenges the choir experienced was the lack of resources.  He said it was very expensive to run a choir, especially one that had 80 per cent pupils.

“Another challenge is trying to make sense of the musical nuances young high school singers have; and they are required to learn and master in three months, stuff that takes years to master,” added Sibiya.

He said the audience and fans should expect a fierce competition.
Pure Voices conductor Gabazi Nxumalo said preparations were at an advanced stage.
He stated that the choir had been working very hard over the past months  preparing for the competition.

“The level of music in the country has grown to the extent that all the choirs are equally good, hence we have been working very hard to be fit enough to face any choir. Every competition has its vibe and as it gets closer you start getting nervous. We are trying to be as calm as possible and as disciplined as possible,” Nxumalo said.

He said their biggest challenge was the financial muscle.
He said the choir has no sponsors and depend on an individual’s salary to stage rehearsals. Nxumalo stated that they sometimes even have to call off rehearsals due to lack of finances.
Emmanuel Methodist conductor Tshepo Sigwane said their choir had a membership of 58 singers,which he would be alternating, depending on the songs to be rendered.

Sigwane said they were a new choir from the small town of Siteki.
 “We have prepared ourselves to give a performance that will leave a lasting first impression to our audience. The mood in the choir is quite interesting as the singers are excited and looking forward to performing for the first time.

I myself am quite excited to be leading the young talented singers from our local area and we look forward to making history,” Sigwane said.

“The audience must look forward to listening to beautiful sounds. We want to make singing beautifully our signature as a new choir. We will try to make sure that they get their money's worth on that day,” he said.

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