Saturday 2024-07-27





Senior Prince Masitsela and Umngani wemakhosi Themba Ginindza have prophesied that anyone who will work against Prime Minister (PM) Ambrose Mandvulo Dlamini will die.

The two said this separately when making their remarks during the PM’s thanksgiving ceremony which was held at the Soweto Church of the Nazarene, Mbekelweni.

The event was attended by the royal family, Cabinet, Members of Parliament, senators, private sector bosses, prominent individuals and the nation at large.

First to say that individuals who would be against the PM would die was Umngani wemakhosi Ginindza.


Ginindza linked his assertions to biblical teachings, referring to a passage in the bible which spoke about individuals who were scattered after their leaders were killed. Ginindza likened the members talked about in the biblical passage to have been in a committee with a similar set-up to His Majesty’s Advisory Council, Liqoqo, as he stated how they were warned against working against a  certain man as they would die.

Narrating his story, Ginindza said as it was depicted in biblical verses, anyone who worked against the PM would die and warned that there should be no one doing bad against the PM as he was appointed by God through prayer.

He emphasised that the PM was anointed by God so the day government officials start doing things against him (PM), they would die just like those who died in the Bible after lying to God. Umngani Ginindza added that parliamentarians who would work against the PM would die  

“If Parliament, will work against this man of God (PM) you will die. God will kill you just like those he killed in the bible after telling lies about selling a farm at a lower price,” he said, referring to Acts 5 which tells the story of Ananias and Sapphira.


Echoing Umngani Ginindza was Senior Prince Masitsela, who also reiterated that those who plot ill against the PM would die.  “Lototsi uyakuloya kutakufa yena (those who will bewitch you they will die),” the seniorprince stated.

Further, Prince Masitsela applauded the PM for his amazing leadership. He praised the PM for visiting government ministries to talk respectfully to ministers and officials.

He said this was the first of its kind as the PM’s predecessors had never done such and its impression would discourage those who loot government monies. He also hoped that the PM’s visitation to the ministries would see an end to the inflation of prices when individuals sell goods and services to government.

The prince expressed his belief that the appointment of the PM was not a mistake, and was a signal that God has taken over the country. He pleaded with the PM to continue fearing and putting God first. Prince also revealed that he would be turning 89 this year. 

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