Wednesday 2024-09-11





THERE is a surge in new HIV infections at Kwaluseni due to intergenerational and transactional sex, which are as a result of the high rate of unemployment and poverty in the area.

National Emergency Response Council on HIV and AIDS (NERCHA) National Executive Director Dr Nondumiso Ginindza Ncube made these startling revelations during a visit by Prime Minister (PM) Russell Mmiso Dlamini to the Kwaluseni Constituency to officially open the revamped Inkhundla centre structure, which was rehabilitated after it was torched by arsonists in 2021.

According to Ginindza-Ncube, the premier visited Kwaluseni at a time when the constituency was gripped by a surge in new infections of HIV, particularly amongst adolescent girls and young women.

She pointed out that a survey they conducted in 2021, otherwise known as Eswatini HIV Recent Infections Survey (EHRIS) underscored the significance of prompt response from NERCHA in order to curtail the high rate of new HIV infections at Kwaluseni.

Ginindza-Ncube said the survey made it clear that the causes of the high rate of new HIV infections at Kwaluseni included, amongst others, early sexual debut as well as Sexual Gender Based Violence (SGBV).

She pointed out that intergenerational sex due to poverty leading to transitional sex was also one of the causes of the high prevalent rate of new infections of HIV at Kwaluseni.

She said this then gave them a challenge to enforce their sexual empowerment dialogues in order to sensitise residents on how best to protect themselves against Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) and for them to predominantly test for HIV.

However, Ncube said be that as it may, as NERCHA through their implementing partners, they were doing everything within their means to combat the high rate of new HIV infections at Kwaluseni once and for all.

“We would, however, implore government honourable prime minister to continue availing more job opportunities, given that most of the contributing factors towards the surge in new HIV infections at Kwaluseni are centred around the heightened rate of unemployment,” she said.  

She pointed out that as NERCHA; they were making an undertaking to work cooperatively with government in ensuring that the youth of the country was healthy and well-preserved from HIV at all times.

According to the prime minister, whilst they appreciated achievements made in terms of the rehabilitation of the Kwaluseni Inkhundla structure, however there were still some grey areas that needed to be attended to.

“I have been made aware that the Kwaluseni Inkhundla has experienced a surge in new HIV infections, especially among adolescent girls and young women.

‘‘This is a cause for concern as the country is working hard to close the gap on new HIV infections and end AIDS by 2030. We appreciate the role that NERCHA continues to play in coordinating efforts to respond to these issues through dialogues in the fight against the spread of HIV.

‘‘These dialogues are meaningful strategies meant to enhance understanding of the structural drivers of new HIV infections and strengthen social behaviour change strategies among affected populations, such as textile workers and people living with HIV,” he said.

The premier said he was hopeful that the feedback received from these dialogues would be implemented to enhance speed to achieve the desired end to the said plight of the country’s young women and girls. 

The Eswatini Population-based HIV Impact Assessment Three 2021 (SHIMS3 2021) which was released in December, 2023 showed that the annual HIV incidence among adults (defined as individuals aged 15 years and older) was 0.62 per cent, which corresponded to approximately 4 000 new HIV infections annually.

The HIV incidence was found to be higher among women, than among men, Meanwhile, the report stated that early sexual debut was reported by young people aged 15-24 years, at 3.2 per cent. It varied somewhat by region, with 1.3 per cent of the young people in Lubombo and up to five per cent in Manzini, where Kwaluseni is located, reporting early sexual debut.

It was further stated that women remained at a particularly high risk of HIV acquisition, with an HIV incidence much higher than among men. Women of childbearing age continued to bear a higher HIV disease burden than men.

The report recommended that adolescent girls and young women may benefit from a surge of effort to bolster existing prevention programme, particularly PrEP, and provide them with additional prevention interventions tailored to their needs to reduce their risks of HIV acquisition.

“Structural interventions including economic empowerment may help reduce vulnerability to HIV infection caused by poverty and unemployment,” the report states.

Kwaluseni MP has met residents to discuss surge

KWALUSENI Member if Parliament (MP) Sifiso Shongwe says he had been summoned by the area’s community members to a meeting twice regarding the issue of the surge in new HIV infections.

He said the community members summoned him as an MP of the area.

Shongwe pointed out that one of the resolutions of the meeting was that they should try to channel the Rural Development Fund allocation as Inkhundla to undertake income generating projects for the youth, given that one of the drivers of the prevalence of new HIV infections in the area was the high rate of unemployment.

He said another alternative, which he had personally undertaken, was to seek international scholarships for the youth of Kwaluseni.

“Just last week, I was deliberating with the Indian Consular regarding the issue of scholarships for the youth of Kwaluseni,” he said.

He said they were also trying to lure the youth into studying information, communications and technology (ICT) related courses so that they could be technologically savvy,  since 

ICT was the way to go in this new dispensation. Shongwe said he also tried to present the plight of the youth that propelled them to consider employing illegal tactics of raising money, which unfortunately contribute to the surge of new HIV infections in the area in parliament.

He mentioned that he had confidence in the current cabinet that it had what it took to address challenges faced by young people in the country and mitigating the high rate of HIV amongst the youth in the process.

“The fact that the current cabinet is busy rehabilitating Tinkhundla Centres which were torched in 2021 across the country during the political unrest means it (Cabinet) has the best interest of the people at heart,” he said.

He pointed out that they have since discovered that the youth of the area did not indulge into illicit activities, resulting in the surge in HIV new infection because they wanted to, but were forced by different circumstances.

He said due to dire circumstances, most of the young boys would venture into crime, while young girls would ply their trade as prostitutes to make ends meet.

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