Monday 2024-07-01




By NOKUZOLA THWALA | 2024-07-01

HIS Majesty King Mswati III has urged countries to all work  in peace with one another.

He noted that different continents were affected by conflict including Europe, Asia and Africa.

The king was speaking during a ceremony where seven European Union countries’ diplomats presented their letters of credence, at Lozitha Royal Palace.

These are Belgium, Netherlands, Spain, Austria, Cyprus, Greece and Ireland. He expressed his prayers for peaceful resolution, living in peace and harmony because ‘the world is affected by many challenges including climate change’.

He also said he hoped all would come up with solutions work as one and peacefully, in order  to combat climate change challenges.

“We pray for peaceful resolution, living in peace and harmony because the world is affected by many challenges including climate change. In order to combat climate change challenges, we hope that you will all be able to come up with solutions, working as one and peacefully,” he said.

Adding, the king said he valued the friendship between all the EU countries, especially with the growing relationship developed over the years.

He said he was pleased that the EU contributed significantly to the Kingdom of Eswatini as outlined; not long ago the Africa, Caribbean Pacific (ACP) and Europe agreement was signed which he said was moving in the right direction.

The king said he was happy that all EU members continue, and Africa was still in the process of emulating what the EU had done; ‘case in point African Union with the hope to assist all African countries to develop.’

E2 trillion invested in Eswatini – EU reps

THE Kingdom of Belgium Ambassador Paul Jansen noted that in 2022, the European Union collectively provided almost E2 trillion (92.8 billion Euros) representing 43 per cent of global development assistance internationally.

He said the assistance was often channelled through key partners such as United Nations (UN) agencies.

He said support funded by European citizens helped improve the lives of thousands of Emaswati through different fields.

He mentioned access to clean and potable water, electricity, education, health, support to agriculture, infrastructure development, strengthening of governance, democracy and human rights, social protection, institutional capacity building, fostering business climate and new trade opportunities.

Jansen further noted that the preferential access to the EU market granted through the Southern African Development Community (SADC)-EU Economic Partnership Agreement was also a strong driver for growth and jobs.

“We aim to eradicate poverty and address inequalities, ensuring a life of dignity for all while leaving no one behind.”

Further, he said their countries were currently facing the most severe security crisis that the EU had encountered on its borders since its inception: ‘the illegal, unprovoked, and unjustified Russian aggression against Ukraine’.

“In this challenging time, we stand in solidarity with Ukraine, a candidate to join the EU, as we advocate for a rules-based multilateral global order.

Despite the significant financial impact of this crisis, the member States and the EU remain the leading global donors of official development assistance and humanitarian aid.

“As partners, we need to support each other, and we would welcome Eswatini’s support in the UN fora, as well as that of a member of SADC and the AU to achieve peace in Ukraine. Our shared priorities are also green and digital economic transformation, decent job creation and human capital development,” he said.

The ambassador added that economic recovery must be inclusive in order to be sustainable; and it depends on the talent and resilience of all, particularly youth and women. 

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HIS Majesty King Mswati III has urged countries to all work  in peace with one another.


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