Sunday 2024-06-23




By STARSKY MKHONTA | 2024-06-15

A couple employed at the Umbutfo Eswatini Defence Force (UEDF) died painfully at their home in the wee hours of yesterday.

The tragedy occurred at Mangwaneni near Hlatikulu at around 1am, and in the morning the sad news had already spread like wildfire in the whole town and surrounding areas.

 According to sources close to the matter, the husband stabbed to death his wife before reaching for the deadly Masta 900, which he drank and killed himself. It is said before drinking the substance, the man first forced their son, estimated to be between four and five years, to drink the substance.

The boy was, however, rushed to Hlatikulu Government Hospital, where his life was saved.

It was gathered that the marriage of Stan Mdluli and wife Nomphulelo Mdluli (nee Ndwandwe) had been rocky and it is understood their two families were already aware of this, as they were still making efforts to meet and discuss how the two adults could talk and resolve whatever was making their relationship sour.

It was gathered that Mdluli, who was based in Siteki and his wife LaNdwandwe, who was based at Sitsatsaweni, had serious problems in their marriage up to that there was even a stage where the wife even found it no longer wise to live at her matrimonial home.

 Other claims are that she had even packed part of her property.

It is said Mdluli had also got bottled up as he was not happy with certain issues that were to do with LaNdwandwe. A source said Mdluli confided to others he trusted that they were experiencing serious problems and were not happy in the marriage.

 It was further gathered that he even told one of those close to him that he was considering doing something terrible in order to be at peace with whatever problem he was experiencing in the marriage.

“What we heard is that at one stage, the wife arrived at the homestead with an army vehicle, where she packed her belongings and left.

That had also worsened things, as he was not expecting his wife to pack her belongings as he thought their issue was now being handled by the two families,” said a source.

Husband once chased after vehicle transporting wife’s belongings

It has been reported that at one stage, Stan Mdluli had to chase after an army vehicle he had noticed transporting some of his wife’s items she had also ‘secretly’ fetched from her matrimonial homestead.

Insiders said after realising that it was impossible to have the relationship or marriage ‘patched’, Mdluli then came up with a plan.

 It is said he came back home and invited his wife to join him with their child as he was missing him.

Our sources said the wife indeed arrived with the child not suspecting anything.

 It’s said on Thursday, the two had a serious argument, which started at around 8pm and this proceeded until Mdluli got heated up and then did the unthinkable.

“The quarrel, even though no one is sure what sparked it, had something to do with the strained relationship.

What we heard is that back at their workplaces, their colleagues who were aware that they were now more like enemies than soulmates heard that they were at home.

Other colleagues to the woman also called and wanted to know if she was safe and fine. 

Scared and afraid of her husband who was ‘interrogating’ her on some of the issues, she pretended to be fine when she was not and her colleagues were not convinced as her voice and the way she was responding were telling a different story.


Mdluli was also called and he was advised not to do something silly and he told those who seemed concerned with what was happening not to worry as they (couple) was trying to sort things out together as husband and wife,” said a source.

Other claims are that the wife had somehow managed earlier on to communicate on the same night that she was in ‘danger’ and it could not be ascertained if she had communicated with colleagues or other relatives. 

She seemed to have realised what was in store as her husband also seemed to have concluded what was best for both of them, to die.


It’s said the family of the woman sensed that their daughter was not safe and they then made means of driving to their in-laws homestead a few kilometres away, but to their shock on arrival, they found their daughter soaked in a pool of blood and already dead and her husband also dead after drinking the Masta 900.

 He drank the substance after being convinced that his wife was dead, it is alleged.

“The wife’s family was shocked when finding their daughter dead and her husband also dead.

‘‘They recalled that when they were calling her, they sensed that she was not safe and had they arrived just at around 10pm, they could have saved her as the quarrel had started at around 8pm.

Had anyone also known that the two were ‘fighting’ inside the house, means of alerting the Hlatikulu police were going to be made, but no one thought the quarrel could lead to what later happened,” he said

Deputy Police Information and Communications Officer Assistant Superintendent Nosipho Mnguni confirmed the matter, stating that it was still being investigated.

UEDF sends condolences, condemns incident

The Umbutfo Eswatini Defence Force (UEDF) has sent condolences to the affected families following the incident that occurred at Hlatikului in the wee hours of yesterday.

UEDF Public Affairs Officer Lieutenant Tengetile Khumalo further strongly condemned the unfortunate incident, not only to its personnel but to all citizens of Eswatini in a bid to sensitise the nation about domestic violence.


“I can confirm receipt of information of an unfortunate incident that took away the lives of our personnel.

Unfortunately, the Office of the UEDF Public Affairs cannot comment owing to the fact that it is now being handled by the pertinent law enforcement agency,” she said.

Khumalo at the behest of the UEDF Commander General Mashikilisana Hulumende Fakudze, sent immeasurable condolences to their Majesties, UEDF personnel, family, friends and all whose lives were touched by the deceased personnel.

“Our collective hearts are heavy with sympathy.

 May their souls rest well.

‘‘As sad as it is, the UEDF strongly condemns unfortunate incidents of this nature, not only to its personnel but to all citizens of Eswatini in a bid to sensitize the nation on domestic violence,” she said in conclusion.

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