Saturday 2024-10-05




By Crime Watch | 2023-07-29

The Royal Eswatini Police Service have been commended for the unwavering dedication and bravery in the execution of their duties.

His Majesty King Mswati III, who is also the Commissioner-in-Chief of the REPS, speaking during the 20th Police Day celebration and passing out parade held last Friday at Matsapha Police Academy applauded police officers for the role they played in ensuring that safety and security prevailed in Eswatini. He stated that safety and security was one of the key pillars of economic development.

“We, therefore, commend our police officers for their unwavering dedication and commitment to their noble duties. We also note the sleepless nights endured by the police in trying to make sure Emaswati were safe, following the security threat challenges experienced in the recent past.

The commissioner-in-chief said the nation was pleased that the situation was improved and was slowly returning to normalcy, as they could now go about their day-to-day business without any fear of the unknown. “We take this opportunity to welcome everyone present here to honour and rejoice with our police at this milestone event.

This is a day we dedicate to celebrating the police for the significant role they play in our society.”
His Majesty recognised the endless efforts by the police in fighting crime in the country.

He encouraged them to continue bringing to justice all those who broke the law so that crime was brought under control. He further acknowledged the police service for introducing measures that would minimise the cybercrime rate in the Kingdom.

These interventions include the signing of a memorandum of understanding with the Royal Science and Technology Park (RSTP) to promote security for the country’s digital and cyber security systems.

Speaking to the 594 recruits the commissioner-in-chief said “policing is a calling and he believed that the recruits were indeed called to the policing vocation”. 

He said as a police officer one needed to strive in building trust and confidence in the community, they would be working in. He went on to remind police officers that the guiding principle and value of the policing profession was discipline and that as an officer of the law they should always exhibit conduct that was exemplary and above reproach.

He added that as a law enforcer one must always refrain from behaviour that would bring disrepute to the police badge.

His Majesty the King highlighted that another key defining trait of being a police officer was serving the nation whenever the need arose, whether in or out of uniform.

The king emphasised that “The oath of office and loyalty declaration that you have taken before the nation should be your guide and moral compass to help you when challenges and temptations try to sway your focus from the essence of your calling”.

He encouraged new officers to be humble, obedient and adapt to the various stations where they would be deployed to. He also said it was encouraging to note that the training was not only physical but also had an academic aspect that enabled police officers to successfully deal with the demands of policing a modern and dynamic society.

He stated that at times the training might have been overwhelming, but it was all meant to prepare them to face the realities of practical policing with confidence.

The king urged the nation to support the new police officers while they go about discharging their duties which was ensuring that safety and security prevailed in the country.

He said the support could come in any form such as reporting any suspicious activity to the police, providing information when required and refraining from habouring criminals.

“Our country’s mantra since time immemorial has been “Nawe Uliphoyisa,” so let everyone live true to its ideals by watching out for disruptive criminal activities wherever they are and reporting them to the authorities for also due action.” Police officers were advised to report concerns about issues of welfare to the relevant internal organisational structures and systems.

He condemned the engagement of police officers in practices that were alien to the norms of disciplined services. His Majesty concluded by saying that the police service was on the right path to continue developing and serving the nation with the expected diligence.

On another note, the commissioner-in -chief announced the appointment of five (5) senior officers who were elevated to strategic levels/ranks in the REPS. Vusi Manoma Masango was appointed as Senior Deputy National Commissioner while the four being Meshack Ntshalintshali, Bonisile Masuku, Melusi Simelane and Wendy Hleta were elevated to the rank of Deputy National Commissioner.

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