Monday 2024-07-01




By Phetsile Mamba | 2022-09-27

There is hope for Miss Eswatini 2022/23 to compete at Miss Universe.

This was disclosed by Miss Eswatini Pageant Director, Musa Mantinto, yesterday.
The Miss Eswatini Pageant team yesterday received an invitation letter from the Miss Universe organisers (MUO)stating that they must at least submit a proposal on how they would run the beauty pageant.

However, submitting a proposal does not guaranty acceptance, states the letter.

“This depends on industry experience, professional resume, letters of recommendation from other professional contacts, marketing and publicity skills, working capital and financial stability. Additionally, it would also depend on the territory being available to licence and on MUO having space for your contestant in the Miss Universe Competition.

“We also reserve the right to run financial and background checks on prospective national directors to ensure the integrity of our marks. If MUO grants you a licence, please note that we reserve the right to conduct audits whenever we deem applicable,” reads the letter from Miss Universe.

Mantinto said Miss Eswatini needed more sponsors to make it to the international stage.


“Our sponsors are only sponsoring prizes for the winners, but there are no sponsors that are providing money for logistics and the running of Miss Eswatini. We need capital so that we can be able to purchase the licence for Miss Universe. Many will argue that Miss Eswatini is not yet ready for Miss Universe but when will we be ready?,” Mantinto said.

He further urged companies to at least come forward and help them to get the Miss Universe licence.

 “We want to be in Miss Universe, we are a small kingdom but we have big dreams that we want to attain that will bring about tourism, Business Investment to Eswatini.

We want to start playing in the big league so that we can now start making movements in it,” he said The role of a national director, according to the Miss Universe team, demands the use of industry experience, communication skills and a network of contacts to help these young women achieve their goals and build a platform from which to pursue their interests.

“Our national directors are an extension of our brand and mission. We require our directors to provide a safe, comfortable, and exciting experience to every young woman competing in our system.

“Once again, thank you for your interest in our pageant system. We look forward to receiving and reviewing your proposal in the beginning of the year. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us,” reads the letter.

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