Saturday 2024-07-27




By Wondorboy Dlamini | 2020-07-09

ON the third day of schools reopening, a pupil from one of the three schools in Siteki was turned back home after complaining of headache and other symptoms similar to those of coronavirus (COVID-19).

The name of the school is deliberately withheld for ethical reasons. However, the three schools within the boundaries of Siteki town are Siteki Nazarene, Lubombo Central and Good Shepherd High. Sources within the school disclosed that the pupil reported her ill-health on Monday when she arrived at the check point. The administration of the school made swift arrangements and took the pupil to Good Shepherd Mission Hospital where she was accordingly given medical attention.

According to sources, the pupil resurfaced at school yesterday with the hope of attending lessons.

Again, the pupil reporedly recorded a temperature which was slightly higher than normal.

A high temperature is one of the symptoms of coronavirus.

The pupil was sent back home after it was reported that she was tested for the virus on the previous day and was waiting for her results. In the meantime, lessons continued at the school. Meanwhile, Lubombo branch of SNAT Secretary Loti Vilakati confirmed having received a report of a pupil who was turned back after showing symptoms of coronavirus.

“The regional branch was informed of an incident where a pupil had to be turned back after showing symptoms of the virus upon arrival at the school,” said Vilakati.

Vilakati said his office had advised its members to take their safety as a priority and isolate themselves when they feel exposed to the risk of contracting the virus. “We gathered that this was the second day that the same pupil showed symptoms of illness, hence we advised our members to prioritise the safety of themselves and that of the learners,” he said.

Acting Lubombo Regional Education Officer Richard Dlamini said the incident had not yet been reported to his office by the time of compiling this report.

“Perhaps the school is yet to report to the office about the said incident,” he said. In another school in the Shiselweni region a teacher is reported to have displayed the COVID-19 symthoms and a rapid response team had to be called to attend to him

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