Saturday 2024-07-27




By Sifiso Nhlabatsi | 2019-10-16

MBABANE city came alive yesterday as His Majesty King Mswati III officially opened two buildings and unveiled the statue of Queen Labotsibeni also known as Gwamile.

The symbolic moment in the history of Mbabane saw throngs of people lining up the streets to witness His Majesty the King blessing these projects.

The King started by touring the Eswatini Development Finance Corporation headquarters building (commonly known as FINCORP). This building it was revealed is worth E97 million.

It was also revealed that FINCORP was launched by His Majesty the King in November 1995, back then it was known as the E44 million Enterprise Trust Fund.

The launch happened at the Royal Swazi Convention Centre and the organisation first opened its doors to the public in April 1996 after wide consultations with various stakeholders under the leadership of Tibiyo TakaNgwane.

The government of the Republic of China (Taiwan) back then, it is said, played a major role in the formation of FINCORP  by availing  a total sum of E36 million seed capital whilst Tibiyo Taka Ngwane provided an additional sum of E8 million. During the tour of FINCORP, His Majesty the King was shown around the state-of-the-art building and its features. One of the things that stood out during the tour was the boardroom, which has the latest technology which allows those using it to engage in live tele and video conferencing.  

His Majesty the King then proceeded to the Municipal Council of Mbabane, where he unveiled and launched the Gwamile Monument worth over E1 million.

This was hailed as a symbolic moment in the history of the capital city. His Majesty the King unveiled the statue while throngs of people who lined the streets watched.

The King then proceeded to Hilton Garden Inn Hotel where he officially opened the building worth E480 million.

His Majesty the King was taken around the hotel by the Public Service Pensions Fund’s Chief Executive Officer Langalakhe Dlamini, who are owners of the hotel, but managed by the international Hilton Garden Group of Hotels. Some of the memorable moments during the tour included His Majesty the King asking the CEO to show him how to use the gym equipment situated inside the hotel.

The CEO had no problem as he took some weights and started lifting, much to the amusement of the entourage.

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