Friday 2024-04-26




By Dumisa Dlamini | 2019-08-17

The colonial language way back then articulated that there was only one shopkeeper in a shop. It would always be the owner.

The rest of the people working there would be  assistant shopkeepers. The same held for schools wherein the school principal was considered to be the only teacher in the institution, whereas the rest were referred to as assistant teachers. Societal Scales is just making detour of fun here from the very beginning because he has in mind a picture of an extremely beautiful lady who works in a shop as a shop assistant.

 For starters, she is the shopkeeper’s draw- card for business as all men of all social-standings who happen to frequent that shop would double their frequency because they would have been attracted by her beauty. There are various imbalances of wanting to and actually dating such a woman.  Kugcina kute kahle hle umniyo wakhe and becomes intfombi yemacustomer. Some will propose for love, many as a matter of fact and a few would be lucky to win her over, akagani munye phela. Never! The men who are impressed with her looks, body, age and smile also leave different impressions on her.

For some, it would be their youthful and athletic physiques whilst others drive big fancy cars with big wallets, lomunye ngumfana losebenta kahle nje, naye uyambona. Save for nati ti(ya)yingayinga tensangu who loiter at the shop from open to close of business they all have potential in her preferences.

Kute intfo lelukhuni njengekusoma intfombatana lesebenta esitolo you may end up buying magayiwe because she is working around that gondola and to justify your spending so much time there, you buy the product she promotes. First, you have to get inside the shop and pretend to be in dire need of an item so much that you may have to ask her to come and help you. She may feign to be busy and ask the elderly female shop assistant to help you.

 There you are; uphuma nemtfombo and paying for it when you never have and shall not have the need for it. Trauma. She could be at the till and again, inkunkumela ingena itsenga so many items first to impress the beautiful shop assistant, and again to buy time at the counter. She would be so deft and quick that   in a split second sewukhangeta imali before you could even mumble or spit one word out. The next customer would be pressing close by and already throwing her items to be scanned and charged so he also pays. You can come a million times into the shop and never get quality time to talk to the beautiful lady who is a shop assistant. Muziwandla Ngubeni, had the entire line of customers clamouring that he moved away solo acela kulentfombatana for her contact digits to no avail. Nalesitolo sivalwa nga 8.00pm bamumikise ngemoto to her place of aboard. It wouldn’t help hanging around till she knocks off work.

This gentleman driving a new long-wheel pick up van came carrying massive pomposity with him as he was proposing love to this woman he found inside a small grocery shop eMgangadvo. He was telling the woman he could make her better off if she were to be his girlfriend, for he was certain she was being paid peanuts looking at the condition of the shop. Little did he know that the woman owned the shop. She was the shopkeeper, a smart one for that matter because she agreed to the proposal and declared the ownership later in the relationship. She used the man to bring her stock from town with his beautiful and capacitated van to the shop free of charge. In no time, the man realised he was losing a lot in fuel, time and beside the condition of the road to that remote place was horrible. He disappeared and the woman knew why. Shop assistants, like this shopkeeper are no fools. They use their beauty to many advantages from these men who keep on flooding them with love proposals labanye babo bashadile. Truth be told intfombatana lesebenta esitolo ngeke igane wena kuphela.


 There so many many of you who get to see and propose to her that she uses the opportunity to fish for many things from all of you. Even if she were to date you, ngeke ufike eLondon. She stays in a small one-room apartment with three children-bakhe. You can propose to take her to some rendezvous but she will refuse on the basis that she cannot leave her children alone and besides nguye lovula esitolo and receives perishables from different suppliers as early as 4.00am. When you come around again, you will find her pregnant, an indication that she was enjoying sex after all-abengafuni lakuwe!

Or she is dating the shopkeeper and he would not have any other man prying unto his precious goods other than depleting the goods he has as stock. When the shop assistant kuyizinto zeShopkeeper the latter wears large-framed goggles and has her eyes above the glasses looking at every potential and actual suitor.

 She will be calling the lady a million times a day to bark orders so that she is not succumbing to the ploys of the suitors. In any case, whether you are proposing to her noma nawe sewukuganile utamtsapha ngemehlo njengebutfongo for she will be forever in the eyes and within reach of the shopkeeper. Here is another imbalance about shopkeepers.

 Often times than not, they are school drop-outs and are in basic employment just to keep home fires burning. You could find her eMgangadvo today only to come back in a month’s time to be told sewaba seNhlangano. They don’t have job securities and satisfaction and can be anywhere, anytime being proposed to and dating anybody and everybody around the country. If she eventually dates you, it ain’t for love but very much for her salary supplement. She could be asking for rentals, her make-up fees, clothing or a lot more other things, whose procurement needs to dig deep into your pockets.

You don’t get the best out of the relationship because you are also married and cannot disappear from the house without valid reasons. When you do get that chance once in a blue moon, to see her, usebenta esitolo seLindiya, its work 24/7.


 The very phone you may have to call her from, nalo lutsegwe nguwe for she claims she paid too little in this job to afford a smart phone. In the event you call her, of course, after buying her one, she will be offline because she claims kute gesi where she stays and thus her phone was uncharged.


 The plethora of dating a woman who works in a shop is much more than the pleasure derived in the relationship.


 She is aware that you are also mesmerised by her beauty you discover in such a place of humble looks and that she is the positive odd one out here.


 Women feel they are needed more than they need a man, they can be very impossible and exploitative.


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