Friday 2024-09-06




By Joy Ndwandwe | 2018-09-23

The world over, humanity’s source of depression is the narrative rooted within the illusion of money and sex being sources of dignity.

I reflect on the movie, The Gods Must Be Crazy, where the Coca Cola bottle disrupted the flow of life within the Khoi-San community in the Kalahari Dessert.

Humanity finds itself immersed within this illusion of money and sex, upheld in high regard as sources of dignity. The illusion, rendering humanity senselessly roaming naked like the Khoi-San with minimal clothing, unconscious of nakedness. Until the awakening synonymous with the landing of the Coca Cola bottle to realise the gods must be crazy, when becoming conscious of products evoking their nakedness.

 This intrigues thoughts on their roaming naked, with minimal pieces of clothing. They were unconscious of nakedness, as they were clothe in indigenous dignity embedded within profound souls.

 Currently humanity is fully clothe; however, preoccupied with nakedness evident in the illusion of sex and money, such that the gods know we are crazy. As indigenous dignity, which enabled humanity to withstand physical nakedness, its erosion has rendered souls roaming naked embroiled within the illusion of sex and money as sources of dignity.


Is Indigenous Dignity in Money?         

Roaming naked within the soul level is evident within preoccupation with money as a source of dignity.

 Money is not indigenous but trade, exchange is indigenous, and a significant component of our heritage, as we traded along the coast lines with Arabs, Asians and Europeans. Ever since money became the dominate paradigm, humanity has embraced the narrative ‘the gods must be crazy.’

 Ancestors accepted money; however, money did not replace their indigenous dignity, as money was a medium of trade and exchange.

When money replaced indigenous dignity the body, mind and soul became naked, such that the heavy and expensive clothes we wear are flimsy. In my worldview, we are as transparent as the marginal pieces of clothing we wore whilst roaming unconscious of nakedness.

Even though money buys us expensive and impressive clothes, we drop them at every whip of sexual gratification. Money posing as dignity whilst purchasing other human being’s body, mind and souls for subjugation, is not indigenous dignity. Please, do not get me wrong money is part of culture, the culture of money embedded with modernity’s constitutive rules.

 Nevertheless, when money buys the body, such that it becomes naked at the whim of the money monsters, who erode dignity.

 Evidently, we lost control when money became the dominate paradigm, shifting humanity’s behaviours to extremes, roaming naked when the body is cloth in expensive clothes.

The mind freezes and losses consciousness when money appears manifesting in rational and irrational thoughts and emotions of wanting it all, now.


The soul becomes naked when sold to the highest bidder, thus reflecting erosion of dignity when humanity sells their souls. These lessons of money buying body, mind and soul my gift from God, during foundation phase of my spiritual journey. When exposed to Jewish wealth whilst studying in Montreal, Canada, as my Jewish host family sources of wealth came from wisdom and knowledge.

I experienced a level of opulence within a home of a professional expert, with shares in banks, living in a condominium with a winter and summer home. This family’s generosity humbled me whilst teaching an invaluable lesson on how corruption and greed will not bring peace into your home. Thus, opulence must manifest in dignity, embedded within the body, mind and soul whilst clothing humanity with expensive clothing. Therefore opulence enthuse dignity, without exposing and screaming yesterday’s poverty the narrative ‘new money has arrived and I must show and tell.’  


Is Indigenous Dignity

is Sex?                  

Sex, is commodified and most significantly there is a new culture of transactional sex that has further eroded indigenous dignity. When we roamed naked, clothe with indigenous dignity embedded within the sacredness of sex.

 This is when we were humane, as we understood the spiritual constitutive rules of sex, when bodies were physically naked.

The level of dignity we embodied, enabled humanity to preserve the sacredness of sex, but today we are clothe in expensive clothing. Dropping these clothes like the wild animals, we lived with whilst traversing uncharted terrains, indicative of the erosion of dignity.

We are wearing expensive clothing, like the natural skins of wild animals, who roamed naked with us. Moreover, we are engaging in indiscriminate sex at the same level as wild animals, as if clothes are natural skins.

Sex is a dominate culture, and the gods know we are crazy for humanity has lost its sacredness and spiritual constitutive rules. We are naked in the body, mind and soul, which is unfortunate as we render children and ourselves vulnerable. The level of violence and abuse that manifests within sexual relationships indicates erosion of indigenous dignity. Gods must be crazy, indeed, if this is how ancestors intended humanity to express the sacredness and spirituality embedded within sex.

 The vulgarity, we display in sexual relations, rapture the body, mind and soul particularly as in every event, including cultural practices and traditions. The narrative seems to be ‘let’s talk about sex baby, let’s talk about me and you, and let’s talk about sex’ and if we can access a dark alley, we go ahead trade and exchange sex.

Like we are the wild animals who were in our faces whilst we traversed uncharted terrains and this wildness dominates humanity within modernity.

 Sex commodified, and those with money cannot only access it but are also entitled to sexual favours. Evident in the levels of sexual activity and harassment in the workplace and social circles, for this is the dominate culture. Such that it is no longer requested, but given on a silver to golden platter, as both parties use sex to seal deals easily and effortlessly.

We are in the wilderness, roaming naked whilst wearing expensive clothing, an unfortunate but real scenario. This sex is dominate culture has become a lived experience, such that when raising the issue on sex being sacred and spiritual. The response is ‘dare’ as the dominate culture is affirmed in every space available whether religious, professional, social and traditional.  



In conclusion, the illusion of sex and money as sources of dignity narrative indicates depression within humanity.

When the body commodified, abused and violated without a second thought then we are knocking on serious mental health issues and challenges.

The mind continues verbalising rational statements affirming the illusion of sex and money as sources of dignity.

This indicates being lost in the maze of madness, playing childish games in nakedness, unconscious of this nakedness, indicative of lost souls. These lost souls that have no aorta of consciousness, as they have been sold and actioned to the highest bidder.

Whilst affirming the narrative ‘sex and money are sources of dignity’ a mental health issue ignored. Hence, this narrative has become the dominate paradigm that creates enemies when shared in public spaces.

In my view, governments should be considering expanding mental health services, which will come in handy when the cookie crumbles. When it dawns on to majority of population, how they have been depressed by believing the illusion money and sex are sources of dignity. By this stage, the gods will have rendered us crazy, as we will be walking naked literally.

 Who knows what behavioural patterns will manifest, when we literally naked, conscious of it, indigenous dignity exterminated in future.     

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