By The Conservatives | 2025-01-19
The economic ,political ,and social repercussions of the world`s greatest expedition and tragedy by the West, colonialism ,continues to this day to reverberate across modern Africa.
It’s a story that began much earlier than the eighteenth century, but really found solid expression and officialdom in the Berlin conference of 1884, where European powers set and crafted an agreement on how they would partition Africa and share the spoils without conflict.
The Berlin Conference featured what was then European emperors who were unflinchingly Christian, emperors whose hands had already been bloodied by the inquisition, a process where Christian Europe sought to force Jews to abandon their faith in favour of Christianity.
Our continent ,Africa ,was to experience the dual aggression of colonialism and a misapplied Christianity with unending detrimental consequences.
The old Europe then became the deliberate source of Christianity ,just as the modern progressive Europe has become the source of Leftism.
In the 1800 European humanitarians ,philanthropists ,and missionaries believed the invasion of Africa by European powers through what they termed the 4Cs ,which stands for commerce, Christianity, civilisation and colonisation, was an urgent imperative.
Well, they do say that the more things change the more they remain the same, centuries later modern Europe through a range of noble-sounding organisations and initiatives, believes the imposition of progressive ideologies/leftists on Africans is an urgent imperative; and of course the euphemism used in all these is very impressive, its politely called ‘the democratisation of Africa’.
Africa`s dilemma of dilemmas is that these new prescribed imperative is actually mutually exclusive to the earlier imperative, Christianity, which was also prescribed with no lesser force.
We must ,as thinking Africans , ask if it is really ideal for Africa to continually ingest imposed ideologies without question, is not the history-long suffering of Africa enough evidence for those who have dominated the human race for centuries to reconsider their approach.
Western powers have often argued that theirs is a pursuit to be a force for good in the world ,but we need to ask whose good exactly.
The mutually exclusive nature of these two European exports is what is at the heart of the unfolding search by many Africans for African spirituality, a development that could be termed, in evangelistic terms, as the great fall away.
The country continues to be buffeted with all sorts of disdainful insults and accusations for its failure to ingest leftist ideologies, which at the core, demand that we abandon our Judeo- Christian values.
We must all take a moment to explore this dilemma of dilemmas as we search for more dignified and legitimate mechanisms to resolve Africa`s many problems.
Christianity`s association with colonialism and abuse must be acknowledged
The unfortunate association of Christianity with the slave trade and colonialism is well documented, in fact the Berlin Conference Act of 1885 bears this benediction words just above its preamble, ‘in the name of god almighty’.
The signatories to the Berlin Act are the following countries , Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Spain, USA, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Russia, Sweden-Norway and Turkey.
Article 6 of the Act commits to offer special protection to Christian missionaries, scientists and explorers and such protection is extended to their followers and properties.
John Newton ,the celebrated slave trader who converted to Christianity ,his work as a slave trader was endorsed by the church ,supported by the state and paid for through the public purse.
In fact, it is said that John Newton`s early preaching begun right at the sailing ships which were carrying slaves.
But as Newton grew in his faith- walk he then walked away from his sinful profession and is actually credited with having influenced his friend, William Wilberforce, the British abolitionist, who was pivotal as a politician in the abolition of slavery in the UK.
Christianity`s reputation was further severely dented when a Congolese gentleman, Mr. Moukouani Muikwani Bukoko, exposed a letter to the world that is alleged to have been written by the Belgian king/emperor, Leopold the second, the letter is alleged to have been found in a second hand Bible bought by the gentleman from a Belgian priest.
In the letter the king instructs the priests to ensure that their bible teaching facilitates the exploitation of Africa and Africans.
He instructs the priests to ensure that African children are taught to read not to reason and that these children should be taught total submission and obedience.
The letter further urges that niggers/Africans must be taught to forget their own heroes and to instead adore Belgians ones. In the same letter, the king also instructs the priest to dwell on such scripture as; Blessed are the poor for they shall inherit heaven.
Happy are those who are weeping because the kingdom of God is for them; the letter further instructs missionaries to sing every day that its impossible for the rich to enter heaven. In fact, even up to our times there is still serious abuses that are emerging that took place within the walls of mission stations across Africa.
These facts ,and many others, inextricable places Christianity right at the helm of the European campaign to exploit and subjugate Africa ,this tragic past must be acknowledged if we are to steer our consciences away from the contemporary European export of leftism. The Church must effectively expose the gross errors of Christian Europe, which remains a blinding example of the abuse of power.
The mutually exclusivity of
these Western exports
The Judeo-Christian culture which has so impacted the world has been at the center of the moral fabric strenuously holding the world community together.
Our forebears as they emerged from colonialism adhered to these values, they were warned by the West to carefully guard against the influence and spread of communism.
A number of post- independence politicians here at home were enrolled at the University of Sussex, in the UK and exposed to issues of governance, but also to the risk of the Soviet Union sponsored spread of communism.
But little did we know that, beginning from the French revolution, Christian Europe was to accelerate in its speed to abandon the Judeo-Christian culture, the acceleration has been so fast that today the leftist ideology has permeated every fiber of the European culture.
Leftist politicians in Europe consider Christian politicians as fanatics who must be forcefully pushed into extinction. Christian parties that uphold such values as, the right to life, anti-abortion, marriage and family, absolute moral standards, the binarity of gender, etc. are labelled as extremist who pause a danger to democracy.
Leftist demonstrate far less tolerance to political diversity than conservatives, we know the leftist rhetoric churned by western leftist was behind the attempted assassination of president elect Trump.
In fact, the extremity of leftist intolerance of conservative Christian values was seen when leftist Europe frantically mobilised to do what they termed ‘Trump-proofing’ themselves in preparation for a possible Trump presidency.
The fact of the matter is that this so-called Trump-proofing is actually Republican party-proofing which ultimately is actually Christian-proofing. Such is the nature of mutual exclusivity between leftism and Christianity, the mutual exclusivity is actually abated by leftists through their intolerance.
It is actually argued by many within the conservatives ,that the election of Trump as a candidate for the Republicans is a demonstration of the frustration by conservatives that leftist have made the political terrain unconducive to Christian candidates.
Leftist in Europe and the US ,and increasingly here as a result of SA leftist influence, have made the political environment so hostile that Christian politicians would successfully file for constructive dismissal, the whole battery of leftist media and NGO`s spew so much anti-Christian rhetoric that some Christians may be forced to retreat to the proverbial ‘closet’.
A leftist world culture that considers its opponents as a threat to democracy can never be a force for good ,instead it is an intolerant culture that seeks to drive into extinction all its opponents. Leftist politics have remained undemocratic/repressive in China ,Cuba ,Venezuela and many other places ,and clearly there is no European version of leftism that can be trusted to remain democratic and tolerant for long.
Far from being a force for good ,leftist Europe revives the bitter taste of colonialism where the African must continue to display an insatiable appetite to ingest any-and everything from the West.
The dilemma of dilemmas facing Africans is what to do with these mutually exclusive western exports, the Christian faith has undergone enough homegrown/bible-based cleansing in our society – the imperfect Christianity that left Europe as a tool to induce submission and facilitate plunder has long died.
The new export, leftism, now has to deal with a formidable Christianity that has mutated beyond recognition to the one driven by early European missionaries. Over 20 years ago, it was held within the marketing world that the strongest and most pervasive brands in the world were Coca-Cola and Catholics, 20 years later the same no longer holds true.
Christianity in Africa has grown too strong for the latest export to have an easy entry and penetration ,instead leftist politics will be confined to the periphery of our politics ,democratically.
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