Tuesday 2024-05-14




By NOKUZOLA THWALA | 2023-07-06

Cheshire Homes Eswatini Patron Inkhosikati LaNtentesa has expressed appreciation to 43 companies that supported their annual fundraising walk.

The walk was held on June 11 at Malolotja Nature Reserve with the companies contributing over E130 000.

The companies were awarded certificates of appreciation by the organisation.
The Inkhosikati said through their unwavering support, Cheshire Homes was able to deliver on their mandate and has continued to operate for the many years.

She was speaking during the ‘company appreciation’ event held at Happy Valley Hotel.

She said they were pleased to host the walk after a challenging three years of absence due to the pandemic; that weighed heavily on their resources.

The patron also appreciated all partners for their support, stating that it propelled them to reach new heights and enabled the organisation to work passionately.

Adding, she also appreciated government for the subvention to Cheshire Home. She said this helped the organisation to reach its full potential and fulfil its mission of providing quality, accessible and affordable rehabilitation services to many Emaswati.

“We refer to His Majesty the King’s national address when he called for medical centres to make HIV prevention and drugs accessible to all. To this end, we are proud as Cheshire Home to share that our office now provides self-test kits to persons with disabilities in the country.

“As a healthcare institution, we also speak on behalf of our patients whom we continue working with in their need for special care and rehabilitation when we say we appreciate you for standing with us. Our gratitude also comes from our dedicated team of management and staff who have selflessly shown their commitment and sacrifice to serve despite all the working conditions they are exposed to,” she said.

Board Chairman Themba Dlamini praised the Inkhosikati for her financial interventions and more whenever the need arose.

He said the certificate given to the Inkhosikati was a token of appreciation for her support.
On behalf of the companies, Eswatini Building Society’s Nomfundo Sibanyoni who stood in for the managing director reiterated their continued support to the Cheshire Homes.

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