Sunday 2024-09-08




By KHETSIWE KHUMALO | 2020-03-13

THE Minister of Health Lizzie Nkosi has revealed that the results of the two suspected coronavirus cases in the country will be confirmed today.

This follows after the minister announced on Wednesday that there were two suspected cases of the deadly coronavirus in the country. 

The first case is that of a 39-year-old woman who had been out of the country after visiting Denmark, while the second one is of another 38-year-old lady who had hosted visitors from Germany two weeks ago.

The two ladies are being kept in confinement and the rapid response team is currently monitoring the patients’ clinical conditions while awaiting their laboratory results.

“The lab results should have come back in 24 hours but they have since delayed and experts have said it will take another 48 hours to have them, which means we will know their fate tomorrow (today)  morning,” said Nkosi.

Minister Nkosi also noted that there were people who kept on posting false information on social media platforms regarding COVID -19, where she mentioned that it was only the ministry that would communicate with the public on the results of the suspected cases.

It is worth mentioning that the other two suspected Asian nationals had no signs of the coronavirusas after they were tested and found with low body temperatures.

“We are still keeping a close watch on them, but they have since been released.  Situations change, so we have taken their details to keep a close eye on them,” said the minister.

Wash your hands....

Washing of one’s hands regularly is one of the advices shared by the Minister of Health Lizzie Nkosi when she addressed the issue of the deadly coronavirus yesterday. She said the virus has been noted to spread fast in the public spaces.

The minister emphasised on this after she was asked on how the COVID-19 could be prevented in the different public spaces, including entertainment hangout spots.

She said they were still finalising the logistics regarding the costs of the campaign and how they would go about sensitising people in the public places, including hospitals. “For now, the only thing that I can give as advice to help us stay safe from COVID-19 is to constantly wash your hands with running water and soap or use the hand sanitisers that are available in most public areas or alternatively they can be bought in most stores,” said the minister. Meanwhile, major companies and business entities have availed hand sanitisers, masks and have made available other information on precautionary measures, such as refraining from using unsterilised hands to open office doors and gates.

Eswatini Royal Insurance Corporation (ESRIC) and the Eswatini National Provident Fund are some of the entities in the private sector that have moved swiftly to install such measures and the minister has commended them while encouraging others to follow suit.

Minister Nkosi said they were still discussing other measures with stakeholders about putting up such precautionary measures in public places such as bus ranks, churches, schools and shops which host a lot of people.

On a parting shot, the minister noted some hotels and eateries staff that had also resorted to wearing gloves and but has also implored them to get the required masks as they are known for handling food for their customers.

“We are also going to train people on wellness and give practical solutions to the banks and public transport operators that handle money exchanged among the masses,” stated Minister Nkosi.

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